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Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has become a popular choice to remove unwanted hair—especially after recent technological advancements with laser hair removal devices and services.Keep reading to see how hair removal works, what you can expect, and how safe it is. 

How to prepare for laser hair removal

Proper preparation is key to maximizing the effectiveness of laser hair removal and minimizing potential risks. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to prepare for your treatment:

  1. Avoid sun exposure: Limit exposure to the sun or tanning beds in the weeks leading up to your laser hair removal session, as sunburned or tanned skin can increase the risk of complications.

  2. Shave the treatment area: Contrary to popular belief, shaving the treatment area before laser hair removal is essential for optimal results. Shaving removes the hair above the skin's surface, allowing the laser to target the hair follicles directly without interference from surface hair.

  3. Discontinue certain skincare products: Some skincare products containing ingredients like retinoids or alpha hydroxy-acids can increase skin sensitivity and should be avoided before laser

  4. Disclose medical conditions and medications: Inform your provider of any medical conditions or medications you are taking, as certain factors may affect your suitability for laser hair removal or require adjustments to your treatment plan.

Should you shave before laser hair removal?

How many sessions you’ll need to remove the hair depends on several factors:

•   Hair color

•   Skin type

•   The location of your treatment area

In general, multiple sessions are needed to effectively target hair follicles in different growth phases, and most people undergo between six to eight sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. 


Consistency and patience are key, as each session builds upon the progress of the previous one, and it’s important to have realistic expectations during the process.

How long does laser hair removal last?

While laser hair removal offers a semi-permanent reduction in hair growth, it's essential to understand that results may vary from person to person. 


On average, you can expect a significant reduction in hair growth that can last for several months to years; however, maintenance sessions may be needed over time to sustain results due to natural hair growth cycles. 


With proper care and adherence to recommended treatment intervals, many people enjoy long-lasting benefits from laser hair removal.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

One of the most common concerns about laser hair removal is discomfort during the procedure. 

While everyone's pain tolerance is different, most patients describe the sensation as tolerable, often likening it to a rubber band snapping against their skin. 


Some areas may be more sensitive than others, but discomfort is typically brief and manageable. Providers may offer cooling methods or topical numbing creams to minimize discomfort during treatment, and you can ask your provider for different options if you have sensitive skin.

Is laser hair removal safe?

When performed by a trained and experienced provider, laser hair removal is considered safe for most people, but it's essential to be aware of potential risks and safety considerations. 


Temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or skin irritation are common, but they typically resolve within a few days. 


Rare but more serious risks include burns, blistering, or changes in skin pigmentation. To mitigate these risks, our qualified providers use appropriate laser settings based on your skin type and hair color.

Can you get laser hair removal while pregnant?

While laser hair removal is generally safe for most people, like most cosmetic procedures, it is best to avoid laser hair removal treatment during pregnancy. 


Hormonal changes and increased skin sensitivity during pregnancy may heighten the risk of adverse reactions or discomfort during laser treatment. 


Also, since there is limited research on the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy, it's best to err on the side of caution and postpone treatment until after childbirth.

Best laser hair removal near me?

Ready to learn more and to start your journey to seriously smooth skin? You’re in the right place. Our experts are able to assist in even the most difficult of cases, working across skin types and skin concerns. For more information and to get started today, please connect with us at (303)-750-3100.

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