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Spider Veins

With our Cynosure ND:Yag laser, we can help remove those unwanted small red and blue spider veins on your body.

About Spider Veins

Spider veins—known to many as tiny and web-like clusters of veins beneath the skin—can be a source of frustration. Thankfully, however, you have several removal options. 


Curious about spider veins treatment costs and want your own personal spider vein removal before and after experience? Here are the top tips to help you as you work on treating spider veins for good.

What are spider veins?

Even though these biological features are called “spider veins,” they’re not actually veins at all. They’re small, damaged blood vessels that can include capillaries, venules, and arterioles.


Spider veins, medically called telangiectasias, are small, thin veins that appear close to the skin’s surface. Their name stems from their resemblance to spider webs or tree branches. 


These veins are typically red, blue, or purple and, while they can appear in various patterns anywhere, they’re most likely to be on your legs, pelvic area, and face.

What causes spider veins?

While it’s not always clear what causes spider veins, there are several factors that contribute to their development.

Genetics play a significant role. This means that typically, if you have a family history of vein disorders, it increases the chances you’ll have spider veins. Age can be another factor, as veins tend to lose elasticity and weaken over time. 

Hormonal changes—such as those during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause—can also impact vein health.

Additional contributing factors include obesity, sun exposure, hormonal changes (such as pregnancy and menopause) and prolonged standing or sitting periods, which can impair blood circulation. Patients can successfully prevent spider veins by working through suggestions below.

How to prevent spider veins

While spider veins may not always be preventable, several measures can help reduce the risk of their development. 

Avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing by taking breaks and moving around can also promote healthy blood circulation and minimize the effect or presence of spider veins.

Wearing compression stockings, particularly during long periods of inactivity or when traveling, can provide additional support to the veins. Elevating the legs when resting can help improve blood flow back to the heart. 

How to get rid of spider veins

Even though spider veins don’t often cause bigger medical issues, you might still want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. If this is the case, you can rest assured knowing that there are many different treatment options are available.


A popular treatment option is laser therapy, which uses focused light energy to target and eliminate spider veins. This non-invasive procedure is particularly effective for smaller veins and typically requires multiple sessions for optimal results.

If you are not a candidate for laser removal of your spider veins, then other options may include sclerotherapy or surgical procedures.

Laser treatment for spider veins

Laser treatment offers a safe and effective solution if you’re looking for a non-invasive treatment for your spider veins. One of the primary advantages of laser treatment is its precise targeting of spider veins without damaging nearby skin. While some patients may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, most find it to be well-tolerated. 

Curious about what’s involved? During the procedure, a handheld laser device is used to deliver pulses of light energy to the targeted veins. The heat from the laser selectively destroys the vein while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed.

Our experts do want to note that there is typically some mild redness, swelling, or bruising following laser treatment. These side effects may last from up to a few days to a few weeks. Results from laser treatment for spider veins are often noticeable within a few weeks, with continued improvement as the body naturally absorbs and eliminates the treated veins. 

What to Expect: Spider Vein Removal Before and After

Before undergoing spider vein removal treatment, you’ll have a consultation to discuss your concerns, medical history, and treatment goals. During this consultation, our providers will assess the extent of the spider veins and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Before the procedure, you may be advised to avoid certain medications, such as blood thinners, and to refrain from applying lotion or moisturizer to the affected area. Depending on the type of treatment chosen, you may need to wear compression stockings or take other precautions for best results.

Immediately following spider vein removal treatment, you can expect some improvement; however, full results may take several weeks. It's essential to follow post-treatment instructions to ensure optimal healing.

Many people are delighted with the transformation they have experienced following treatment. Not only do they experience a visible reduction in the appearance of spider veins, but they also report feeling more confident and comfortable in their skin.

How much does spider vein removal cost?

The cost of spider vein removal can vary depending on several factors, including the treatment chosen, number of sessions required, and where you choose to get treatment. If you are interested in more details, please come in for your complementary consultation to learn more about laser spider vein removal and get started with your individual treatment plan.

Where is the best spider vein treatment near me?

Ready to learn more and to experience your own personal spider being treatment transformation? Connect with our providers today at (303)-750-3100 to discuss your needs and to start your personal health journey.

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