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Smooth Skin Centers Client Forms Center
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download these forms. If you don't have it, you can get it here.
First-timers, start here:
If this is your first treatment at Smooth Skin Centers, be sure to download the appropriate form below (Laser or Botox / Juvederm) and bring the completed forms to your first visit. Thank you!
Client Forms for Laser Treatments
Client Forms for Botox or Juvederm
Client Consent for Esthetics Services
Aftercare information:
Be sure to take a peek at these forms prior to your treatment so you can take good care of your glowing skin after you leave Smooth Skin Centers.
Laser Treatment Aftercare
Laser Hair Removal Aftercare
Botox or Juvederm Aftercare
Esthetics Aftercare
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